Jennifer Worrell
LGBTQ Contemporary/Dark Contemporary Romance and LGBTQ Historical Dark Paranormal Romance
Author Bio:
Author of Drive and Wounded Warrior from Nine Star Press, Courtney Maguire is a University of Texas graduate from Corpus Christi, Texas, whose voracious appetite for music meant spending vast amounts of her young adult life in dark, divey venues, nursing a love for the sublimely weird. A self-proclaimed fangirl with a press pass, she combined her love of music and writing as the primary contributor for Japanese music and culture blog, Project: Lixx, interviewing Japanese rock and roll icons and providing live event coverage for appearances across the country.
You can find her on social media or at
You can find her on social media or at
Bloodlaced utterly destroyed me in the final chapters as it explores what it means to be a monster born versus a monster made, but it does leave a glimmer of hope for what’s next. - Beauty in Ruins (See full review here.)
Titles: |
Awards: |
Signings: |
Contemporary Romance:
Golden Heart Finalist
- Wounded Martyr
Dark Contemporary Romance:
Wounded Martyr
LGBTQ Historical Dark Paranormal Romance:
Wounded Martyr
LGBTQ Historical Dark Paranormal Romance:
- Bloodlaced
Interviews: |
Readings: |
Guest posts/Hosting |
Distinct Authors Written Interviews: Daily Dose of Books C.A. Campbell The Epilogue Rebellion Lit The Ruby Slippered Sisterhood |